Welcome to another episode of THRIVE: Turning Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage. In this episode, our guest Jeff Shore, a sales guru and expert in the real estate industry, will share his insights on how to skyrocket sales in the age of uncertainty. Join your host Meridith Elliott Powell as she delves into Jeff's journey and the psychological approach he takes to selling - by understanding how customers want to buy. Discover how Jeff's passion for studying buyer behavior led him to develop unique strategies for success. As the conversation explores the challenges of an uncertain marketplace and the shifting economy, Jeff reveals the importance of adjusting your sales style based on people's attitudes and feelings. Get ready to learn how confidence can become your competitive advantage and how to position yourself as an influence practitioner. Tune in to unravel the secrets of value perception and discover how to provide exceptional value that leaves your competitors behind. Get ready to thrive as Jeff Shore shares his expertise on turning uncertainty into your greatest competitive advantage.
- https://jeffshore.com/
- jeff@jeffshore.com