February 14

Matthew Pollard – The Power of Your Network


Podcast  >  

Today Meridith is joined by sales expert Matthew Pollard. Matthew is the author of The Introverts Edge and his new book The Introverts Edge to Networking.

Matthew started his sales journey by searching YouTube for sales system videos to improve his selling technique. Through watching as many videos as he could, he found a system that made sense to him, implemented it, and his sales career took off. 

Meridith and Matthew discuss the best sales technique, whether introvert or extrovert, which is finding ONE sales system that works for you and implementing it. Matthew believes that people who apply a methodical system are the most successful. Find out why he thinks introverts also make the best salespeople.

They go into the importance of consistency, the importance of doing the research before you jump on a sales call, and how storytelling builds rapport and can work quickly to clinch the sale.

Matthew tells Meridith why networking and storytelling are critical. A story designed to entertain, engage, and share emotion creates rapport easily and makes the customer see themselves in your story and you as the logical choice to work with them.

Finally, Matthew answers some listener questions.


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