August 8

Stu Heinecke – Growing Your Business Like a Weed


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Today I talk with Stu Heinecke about his inspiration for his weeds strategy model and the element of the "weed mindset" you need to cultivate the unfair advantages in our businesses. Everybody knows what it means to grow like a weed. It turns out they have a foolproof model that anyone can use in their own business.

Today’s Guest: Stu Heinecke Stu Heinecke is a bestselling business author, marketer, and Wall Street Journal cartoonist. His first book, How to Get a Meeting with Anyone, introduced the concept of Contact Marketing and was named one of the top 64 sales books of all time. His latest release, How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed, lays out a complete model for explosive business growth based on the strategies, attributes, and tools weeds use to grow, expand, dominate and defend their turf. He is a twice-nominated hall of fame marketer, Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center author-in-residence, and was named the “Father of Contact Marketing” by the American Marketing Association. He lives on a beautiful island in Puget Sound, Washington. 

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